マサカでの生活 ~My life in Masaka~ 2 "Moreen Family"





日本では考えられないことですが、底抜けに明るく、たくさんの愛情が感じられるこの家族は本当に素敵です。ウガンダに来て良かったと心から思える瞬間です。いつか読んだ本にありましたが、“人は人の笑顔が好き” まさにその通りで、彼らの笑顔には本当に癒されます。もらった元気を他の人に与えられるように、自分も常に笑顔でありたいものです。


1週間の生活費を決めておいて、残ったお金でノート、ペン、鉛筆、クッキーなどを買って届けます。 これを持って行くと、時には食事をご馳走になり、時にはバナナやサトウキビといったお土産を袋いっぱいにいただきます。



Topic: My way of spending time on my weekend nowadays

As I work at hospital, I can't see Ugandan real lifestyle so I decided that visiting a village every weekend.
I just stroll around Masaka town and visit a village or house. Of course no appointment!
If I do like that in Japan, I might go to the jail as a suspicious character but they pleasantly say to me welcome to my home.

Few Ugandan have an aim only for my money, but almost all of them are tender and generous to me so I can believe them.
My close friend is Morlin who is a 4 children's mother. Her husband is in Somaria now and working as a soldier and they're not sure when he will be going back to their house. In order of young age, Albert, Johnson and Alzyn. Also she has a daughter who nemed Mechol.

Things move at a more measured pace here.
They have a brick house sorrounded by Banana(Matooke), Maize, Sugar cane, Cassava(a kind of potato), Sweet potato, Bean, Tomato, also they raise chickens on the field.
After harvesting them, sell them for a living and sometimes their neighbors visit her to purchase them.

When I visited there first time, I've got quite culture shock though I was able to make up my mind before visited there. Electricity, water service, gas... they have nothing infrastructure.

Every day, they go to a watering place where takes about 500m from their house to, with a jerrycan which can stock 20kg of water. And make a meal once a day, build a fire with charcoal. Their life style is self sufficiency in food.

That is a real Ugandan lifestyle and their daily life.
If I had stay in Japan continuously, I won't know this present situation. She and her children are hopelessly lively family and I can feel much affection for everybody, so they're really lovely family. Therefore, I can say I'm sincerely grateful to stay here.

"Human being are really like a smiling face of human beings." by a psychological book which I read someday and somewhere. That's exactly right. I kind of feel like at home though I was not growing up here. I also want to be lavish smiles on people.
Johnson was taking a bath in a bucket.kkk

Some days ago, I brought some pictures which we took before, since they've never gotten like those pictures, they excited and trembled when I gave them.
Thanks to them I was able to take beautiful pictures, so I would rather to say, thanks a lot too. It is a worthwhile scheme for me.

I have started a stationery donation because it supposes to be helpful something for them. I decide a cost of living for a week, and if I leave some money till end of the week, going to get some stationery. Also, sometimes I'm getting biscuits or sweets for them.

Some people often served local special meal that Matooke, Posho, bean and so on for me when I brought some stationery and sweets. In addition, they give me a bunch of bananas and sugar cane as a return favor.

It's been 4 months since I reached in Uganda. I'm enjoying getting marvelous experiences. I believe these experiences are going to influence my life beautifully.
